How Solar Power Came To Be

Solar power has had a slow evolution. While some may say that the concept of solar power dates back to the B.C. era via the use of magnifying glass, we’ll focus on listing events that are applicable to what modern times associate with solar power. 1839 19-year-old Frenchman Edmund Becquerel discovered photovoltaic effect. 1894 Patent US527379 is granted to Melvin Severy for a “Solar cell.” 1888-1891 Aleksandr Stoletov creates the first physical solar cell. 1904 Albert Einstein publishes a theory on the photoelectric effect. 1923 Albert Einstein received the Nobel Prize for his theories explaining the photoelectric effect. These theories paved the way for the creation of photovoltaic cells of which modern-day solar panels are made out of. 1959 Hoffman Electronics creates an efficient solar cell, introduces grid contact. 1967 First manned spacecraft powered by solar cells, Soyuz 1. 1977 White House, via President Jimmy Carter, installs solar panels to promote solar energy. Solar energy has grown since its discovery, continuously improving and becoming more viable as an energy solution. With more advanced technologies, namely nanotechnologies, the contributions of the PV cell now provide multiple benefits to humankind. Today, the use of solar power takes far less roof space, and less cost to fully install solar power technology in an average house. With solar being more affordable than ever, better quality of life for humanity and Earth are getting closer,...